
  • Should foreign language teachers focus their pedagogy based on the student’s ability to speak or the grammatical theory behind the language?

    At the Central States Conference in St.Louis, MO March 2014 A couple of days ago I stumbled upon a posting that caught my attention regarding a list serve of foreign language teachers. One teacher commented that a student’s mother, a native Spanish speaker, questioned her pedagogy. Although the student became more fluent in Spanish, the mother’s concern derived from her daughter’s inability to conjugate verbs and appropriately applying grammatical rules while speaking Spanish. Consequently, the teacher was offended because she focused on the speaking rather than the grammatical aspect of the language. My instant reaction led me to question why...

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  • How to ask a story using our CONVERSABOOKS

    People always ask me how do you ask a story using TPRS? I created this video demo that will give you a clear idea on how to ask your story. By the way this story is following one of the PMS (personalized mini situations) featured in lesson number 12 of our Al agua Patos! Teacher Guide. I hope it helps you to develop your skills on how to ask a story. How to ask a story video

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  • Spanish Curriculum that Creates Global Citizens – ConversaBooks

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  • Learning Spanish the hard way!

    I learned English the old fashioned way with tons of grammar and no practice; it was like my teachers thought I was never going to use it! Then when I moved to the United States I realized that all those years of classes did almost nothing to my fluency and I had to start from scratch, like a little child. I remember it was really hard to get into a conversation since my "perfect grammar" was keeping me hostage and by the time I had constructed a phrase, the conversation had move into a different subject. Even worse were routine...

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  • Al Agua Patos, Level I

      ¡Al Agua Patos! was created to introduce the students to the Spanish Language. The stories are developed in present tense and the grammatical structures used are simple and frequently used. There is a teacher's manual that will guide you step by step through the process of TPRS method (Total Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling); the student's workbook contains the readings, activities and written exercises that will help the student have more repetitions and master the learned structures. Please refer to the links below so you can see the samples of both books and feel free to contact me if...

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